Lean-Manufacturing Objectives

Increasing the quality level of the working process means reducing the number of errors, repairs and rejects. The result is less demand for company resources and therefore lower total operating costs.

The production process begins with human resources, installations and raw materials and ends with finished products. Productivity increases when the same amount of initial resources generate more finished products at the end of the process, or, conversely, when less initial resources are required to produce the same volume of finished products.

Deadlines : Reducing throughtime
Throughtime is the time that elapses between the company receiving its raw materials and receiving payment for the products produced using those raw materials. Reducing this interval means being able to produce more products in the same time, better rotation of resources and the ability to react faster and more flexibly to satisfy customer needs.

Cost : Shortening the production line
A production line that is too long means more personnel, more work in progress, longer task execution times and higher logistics costs. Not only does space optimization reduce all these costs, but it also allows you to produce more in the same space.The result is the opportunity to make substantial savings on investment : fewer buildings, less floor area, lower general costs.

Cost : Reducing inventory
Inventories eat up space, add considerably to logistics costs and consume significant amounts of financial assets ; assets that could be better employed elsewhere.Used in conjunction with small containers and supply trains, supermarkets located as closely as possible to the line and line-side flow racks give companies back the value destroyed by old stock management systems with their containers, pallets and forklift handling.

Cost : Reducing space
Most companies use far too much space and more personnel than they need to :Lean Manufacturing using the LeanTek system does away with unproductive conveyors, reduces production line length, incorporates previously separate workstations into the main line, reduces stocks and cuts logistics costs.All these improvements help reduce the need for space and offer the option of earmarking the regained space for future expansion.